Remtec was proud to have our President, Brian Buyea (fourth from left) advocating for our company — and the PCB/electronics industry as a whole — in Washington, DC this month, as a member er of the Printed Circuit Board Association of America (PCBAA)!

Remtec President, Brian Buyea, with fellow PCBAA members in Washington, DC – 2024
According to Brian, and the PCBAA team, it was a productive visit with members of Congress to stress the value of the entire electronics ecosystem and the importance of investing in our industry and companies like Remtec here at home — given how vital we are to American’s quality of life, economy, competitiveness, and national security!
To learn more about the critical and ongoing advocacy efforts of the PCBAA —
or, better yet, to learn how YOU can get involved in bringing vital, electronics-focused legislation to fruition — click here or on the association logo below.